Raptor Fest 2021

Vulture conservation in kenya with darcy ogada

live-streaming on friday, August 27th at 11am MT

Did you know that most of Africa’s vultures are critically endangered? Their populations have undergone large declines in recent decades.  And while many people have heard about the poaching of elephants and rhinos, the silent demise of Africa’s vultures has been practically unnoticed and may bring potentially large and unknown implications for human wellbeing. Join Darcy Ogada of The Peregrine Fund to learn more about the threats and importance of vultures and about the ongoing conservation work in northern Kenya that is aimed at saving them.

Darcy Ogada is the assistant director of Africa Programs for The Peregrine Fund, a non-profit organization based in Boise, Idaho whose aim is conserving birds of prey worldwide. Based in Kenya, Darcy is a leading expert on African vultures and is the Africa Region Co-chair of the IUCN Vulture Specialist Group.

Photo by John Kelly, Boise State University