Raptor Fest 2020
terry rich - Boise State University PHD Candidate
Terry has a BS in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, an MS in Zoology from Idaho State University, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Public Policy from Boise State University. Terry worked for the Bureau of Land Management for 20 years and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for 15 years. He coordinated the international bird conservation partnership, Partners in Flight, from 2000 to 2014. Terry is an Honorary Life-time Member of the American Ornithological Society. He and his wife, kids, and grandkids all live in the Treasure Valley.
Tuesday, June 2nd at 3pm - Nest Box Cameras for Western Screech-Owls: What Can We Learn? - Join local bird expert Terry Rich for a presentation on Nest Box Cameras for Western Screech owls and a presentation on what we can learn from watching these owls while they nest and care for their young.