Raptor Fest 2020
steve alsup - birds of prey nca partnership president
Steve is a raptor biologist and a co-founder of the Birds of Prey NCA Partnership. Steve was drawn to Southwest Idaho in 2003, when he was hired to help conduct raptor surveys down in the Snake River Canyon. This experience inspired him to pursue a career in raptor biology, and he began a graduate program at Boise State University a few years later - the only graduate program in the country in raptor biology. In 2015, when a coalition of partner groups came together to form the Birds of Prey NCA Partnership, Steve stepped up to take the lead in the establishment of this new organization focused on supporting the management and conservation of this unique NCA through science, education, outreach and partnerships. In addition to working with the Birds of Prey NCA Partnership, Steve is also a Research Associate with the Raptor Research Center at Boise State University.
Monday, June 1st at 1:30pm - Festival Welcome Address -