Raptor Fest 2020
Kara Donohue
Kara Donohue is the Avian Program Manager for Southern California Edison and immediate past chair of APLIC. She is also a graduate of Boise State’s Raptor Biology Master’s Degree Program where she studied red-tailed hawk migration.
Eric Johnson is a Sr. Environmental Consultant for Evergy and is responsible for managing the company’s Avian Protection Program . Eric currently serves as Vice Chair of APLIC and is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma and Fort Hays State University.
Natalie Turley is a biologist with Idaho Power and has managed the company’s avian protection program since 2005. She received a Master’s degree in Wildlife Biology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Lesly Swanson
Lesly Swanson is a Senior Environmental Scientist for Salt River Project in Phoenix, AZ and is responsible for managing the company’s Avian Protection Program. Lesly is the incoming Vice Chair of APLIC and holds a Biological Sciences degree from California Polytechnic State University and an MBA from Arizona State University.
Thursday , June 4th at 11:30am - Panel Discussion: APLIC - Members of the Avian Power Line Interaction Committee (APLIC), who represent power companies around the West, will join us for a panel discussion on Avian Protection Programs that seek to reduce the number of avian electrocutions and collisions with power structures. This event will include virtual demonstrations that describe what happens during an electrocution or collision event, and what tools and techniques power companies use to reduce these events.
Kara Donohue
Eric Johnson
Natalie Turley
Lesly Swanson