Raptor Fest 2020

heidi ware - intermountain bird observatory Education Director

Heidi joined IBO in 2008 when she volunteered as an undergraduate intern at Lucky Peak. She worked at IBo throughout her bachelor’s degree, then went on to earn her M.S. in Biology from Boise State in 2014, where she studied the impacts of traffic noise on migrating songbirds. As Education Director, Heidi coordinates IBO’s Boise River Research Stations, runs the social media pages, conducts field trips, and teaches courses. Heidi focuses on using IBO’s strengths in hands-on science and community involvement to integrate K-12 science education with bird conservation. Visit IBO’s website for more information.

Wednesday, June 3rd at 10:30am - Owl Craft Project - Join the Intermountain Bird Observatory for an owl craft project! Make your own owl out of toilet paper tubes and craft supplies you find around your house. As we create our owls we'll learn from an IBO biologist about owls' amazing adaptations that help them survive and hunt.

*Kids will need at least 1 toilet paper tube, markers or crayons, scissors, hole punch, colored construction paper (yellow, orange, brown, black are best), & glue or tape
